Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 11, 2019


SHE’S BEEN FOUND! Just to update everyone after a week outside my baby girl was found in a bucket near the porch that I put some snacks in hoping she would find shelter! 
She has been taken to the vet and she is fine she has a small sore on her foot but I was told to watch it and it should heal fine! 
She’s a fighter it has been freezing weather here in Oklahoma at night and I have no clue how she survived but I am glad she is back she was very dirty and enjoyed a long sand bath once she was returned to her cage!

 She’s doing good right now she has ate plenty of food and drank a lot of water and seems to be putting a little weight back on seeing as she’s always been a little chunky baby and she was quite skinny when I found her! Thank you all for your concerns and I will keep you updated!